World Circular Textiles Day!

8th October 2020. The Salvation Army celebrated the inaugural World Circular Textiles Day, which marked the beginning of a new collaborative and creative initiative to tackle the global impacts associated with textiles production and waste.  

Representing the Salvation Army’s trading businesses across the world who generate funds for its charitable work we were founding signatories of this significant international initiative. We have been keen advocates and operators in the circular textiles field for many decades. We work with corporate partners and innovators who want to look after the environment and care passionately about its future.  

Within the towns and cities we operate in across the world, we enable the reuse and recycling of textiles through our network of charity retail stores, textiles recycling banks, donation centres and textiles reprocessing centres. We prevent tens of millions of garments being wasted each week.

We look forward to working with our partners across the world, developing and scaling up circular solutions for clothing and textiles which achieve the collective vision of the signatory organisations of World Circular Textiles Day.  

Further information about World Circular Textiles Day and the vision of full circularity by 2050 can be found at